University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to Begin Offering Accelerated Nursing Degree Program This Fall

The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) will offer an accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing program beginning this year’s fall semester.

The accelerated program, according to a press release by UTC, is intended for those who already have bachelor’s degrees in any field and are seeking to transition to nursing careers. Students who pursue the program will learn what they need to pass the National Council of State Boards of Nursing Licensure exam (NCLEX) to become a registered nurse.

“The program is designed for those individuals who have the right skills to be successful: They have to be highly motivated; have an intense desire to learn and become competent as a BSN-prepared nurse; understand and appreciate time management; and be able to handle rigor and stress,” Dr. Chris Smith, director of the UTC School of Nursing and the University’s chief health affairs officer said in a statement.

Those interested in the program must possess a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution that includes the completion of a list of required prerequisite courses with a minimum GPA of 2.75—including a 3.0 GPA in the last 60 hours of previous degree work.

The program is designed to allow students to graduate within one year by completing a 59-credit, three-semester curriculum. More than a third of the 59 credit hours required for the accelerated program will be completed in clinical settings, which gives students “essential hands-on experience,” UTC noted in its press release.

“These students will come in, take our nursing-specific courses—including pathophysiology and pharmacology—and participate in clinical experiences at the major hospitals, community clinics and other health care facilities in the Chattanooga and Hamilton County region,” Smith added.

Chattanooga health care officials from Parkridge Health System, CHI Memorial, and Erlanger Health System lauded the announcement of the new program.

Applicants will be admitted and enrolled in the accelerated program each semester – fall, spring, and summer – creating a continuous admissions and graduation process, according to UTC.

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Kaitlin Housler is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network.




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One Thought to “University of Tennessee at Chattanooga to Begin Offering Accelerated Nursing Degree Program This Fall”

  1. LM

    Why do the sensible thing , and offer the program to actual NURSES who already hold associate degrees?? Instead , they offer it to people who will be turned out on the public knowing nothing.


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